
Table of Contents
What Is Netdude?
What is Netdude Not?
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Welcome! You're looking at the manual for Netdude, the NETwork DUmp data Displayer and Editor. Thanks for reading this.

What Is Netdude?

Netdude is a GUI application that allows users to inspect and edit trace files in situations that previously would have required writing code. Technically speaking, Netdude is a front-end to the libnetdude packet manipulation library. tcpdump trace files and corresponding tcpdump output are currently one of the standard means for handling captured network traffic, illustrating networking issues and testing networking applications with canned traffic streams. This requires handling tcpdump trace files that often are large (i.e., don't fit into physical memory), complex, and hard to inspect. Non-trivial manipulation of these files is usually done in code. Using the Netdude GUI, users can

Where Netdude's functionality doesn't suffice, you can write plugins. Plugins in Netdude currently have full access to the Netdude core and can do anything with the packets. There are three kinds of plugins:

The Netdude framework provides a solid set of features that allows you to inspect and edit packet traces. In case Netdude doesn't have off-the-shelf support for functionality you need, it is easy to code a plugin or a standalone tool using libnetdude that will do what you need, in much less code compared to the amount necessary when writing yet another packet mangling tool at the libpcap level.

What is Netdude Not?

First of all, Netdude is not competing against Ethereal. Ethereal is a network protocol analyzer. Ethereal is great for inspecting traces and supports tons of protocols. However, it is not intended for trace file manipulation. It does not provide the familiar tcpdump output. It doesn't provide flexibility in presentations of the protocol content. It doesn't handle large traces particularly well. Netdude and Ethereal share some overlap in functionality, but this is for user convenience only.

Netdude is not a live network component per se. Older versions of Netdude provided a dialog that allowed customizable live packet capture. This dialog has been removed in the 0.4 release because it is a great example of functionality that does not need to be in the core but should rather be a feature plugin. Netdude itself also does not provide any facilities to inject packets into a network, although again, plugins could be coded for this purpose.

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For more details, please refer to the Freenix 2004 paper on Netdude that presents the design and implementation of the entire framework.